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[–]  No.206507[Reply][Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]

Let's start with this interesting one I just found:

Previous thread: >>192836
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[–]  No.213808

How the 1000 year 3rd Reich ended


[–]  No.213810>>213814

How is choosing to eat cake instead of faeces a hard choice at all, scatman?

[–]  No.213814

ok ok you win!

[–]  No.213882

They say the Dark Ages was a myth, and the fall of Western Rome in the 400s there was still a lot of Byzantine culture going on.

But the 900s AD were pretty damn dark everywhere in the world, its even when the Mayans collapsed. And the last Lion in Europe died.


[–]  No.214746

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[–]  No.208280[Reply][Last 50 Posts][Watch Thread]

What do you think of nofap, does it make sense or is it all a lie, is it worth abstaining from pornography, or is it not worth the effort?
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[–]  No.214137

Sounds hot, any links?

[–]  No.214731>>214739>>214744

porn addicts are always depressed and mentally unstable

[–]  No.214739>>214744

Very true and something I've been thinking about a lot recently. I'm still not sure however if the instability comes from the porn addiction or if unstable and impulsive people tend to get addicted to stuff like porn. Most porn addicts seem to also have some sort of BPD etc.

[–]  No.214744>>214745

But what even defines porn addiction? Any at all? Every day? Every week? More than once a day?

[–]  No.214745

Porn addiction is not just defined by one thing and rather complex. Its not just the frequency of consumption but also many other factors such as impulsivity and your perception of sexuality. The documentations on porn addiction are still rather fresh but theres more and more insights and discoveries on how severe porn consumption can be.

Some common symptoms include:

- Being unable to get off without porn which also causes general libido issues and even erectile issues for sexhavers.

- Needing increasingly extreme or weird pornographic content to get aroused because the brain doesn't perceive "vanilla" as arousing or interesting anymore.

- Spending an unreasonable amount of time looking/scrolling through pornographic content because most stuff won't arouse out anymore.

- Being "unable" to avoid porn and impulsively consuming it when the urge comes. Some guys even have withdrawal symptoms or they can't think about anyhting else when they feel the urge.

- Avoiding activities or procrastinating to consume porn.

- Having a corrupted view on sexuality and thinking porn reflects actual sex.

- Needing porn to feel good or to relax similiar to smoking cigarettes, weed etc.

- Having what people on the internet call "porn brain" which basically means that you perceive a lot of stuff through a pornographic lens or have pornographic thoughts all the time.
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[–]  No.212328[Reply][Watch Thread]

I was watching a movie set in high school and all the images, themes, and plot, resurfaced a bunch of memories from 15 years ago when I was still a young student.

I began to think deeply, at least more than usual, and realized many things that were not visible to me back then:

I thought I was widely divergent, in my mind, and at the same time self-deprecating of myself and entire existence.
Ironically enough, I was idealistic to carry with the burden of unfulfilled wishes, and at times, sarcastic which was mistaken as braveness by the rest of classmates. During recess, I even had a group of nerd kids who enjoyed my company deeply because I made them laugh. I was the funny guy but not a class clown, at least that phase of mine was long gone at that age. I was only a class clown before puberty, after puberty some remains still persisted but most of it had been taken away by a poignant depression that I tried to hide under a not so noticeable sardonic view of my peers, teachers, and school life in general.

Superficially and deep down, I was a nice guy and I couldn't hide my true nature of being… a nice guy, a good honest person. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that people are born a nice person while others are born to be corrupt and this is another flaw in our universe, after all, reality isn't meant for the idealistic and good guys and those who want to make things right.
Reality and nature is more shaped for those who are cruel enough to impose their will, be it through brute force, violence, manipulation, lies, or abuse of nature itself.

The worst mistake was to try and deny myself of that truth, hoping it to be a lie, that we humans are a flawed species. Corrupted to the very end. Every fiber of our beings, is almost predestined to be evil. Humanity's true nature is evil and if you leave us like we are we only sink to lower depths.

We have no choice but to die out. It's painful but I hope for everyone to be erased. I don't believe in the future. No future will make up for the horrible pain of each individual's past.

In that sense, there is nothing to fix, nothing to change, there is only things waiting to vanish, that is, we as humans. We have to erase us that's the ulterior moral responsibility of every human being that's awakened. A fool will say that I'm biased, that it's my feelings and negative emotions speaking, but rationally speaking, nothing you do for me or guys like Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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[–]  No.213444

who are you quoting, newfag?
emo pop metalcore is exactly that. That video is as corny and soulless as it gets, it's not real music, not real metal either.

[–]  No.213459

are you a teenage succubus?

[–]  No.213630

I'll make a thread about how to combat the devil that resides in every normalfag and lead a moral wizard life.

[–]  No.214140

christianity is fake.

[–]  No.214737

Nothing can stop that now
-Darth Vader

[–]  No.212420[Reply]>>214654[Watch Thread]

Optimism is a way of seeing the world that means that no matter how bad things are, one can always look forward, accepting reality, knowing that it can be treated and improved. Optimism is about being honest with yourself and the world around you, looking at things objectively, and within that objectivity rescuing the good.
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[–]  No.214645

so what are you optimistic about, OP?

[–]  No.214654

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>>212420 (OP)
>knowing that it can be treated and improved.
It can't.

>Optimism is about being honest with yourself and the world around you

Uh? It's the exact opposite.

>looking at things objectively

It's engaging in illusions.

What the hell is this thread lol

[–]  No.214704>>214718

Optimism is the belief that existence moves towards global optima. It was formalized in modern discourse by Leibniz, with the statement that "We live in the best of all possible worlds" being his doctrine of faith since in his discovery of calculus he found that reaching a true optimum meant abandoning local optima, which could not be done through naive application of Newton's Method. This shaped his philosophical answer to The Problem of Evil and reaffirming his steadfast faith in God.

It… doesn't work. In the first place, God doesn't real. Once God doesn't real, faith in God's plan having an ultimate optimum falls apart. Once God's Plan involving evil as a path towards ultimate good no longer holds water, the inherent yet invisible goodness of subjection to evil in the local no longer indicates proof of God's ultimate justice. Once subjection to local evil is no longer ultimately good, a possible existence in which one is not beset by evil becomes obviously better than one in which one is beset by evil, and each and every discretely encountered evil becomes a reality which could possibly have been done without. Once a world in which evils no longer beset you becomes possible, we can no longer say that we live in "the best of all possible worlds" as God's perfect justice is no longer moving us along God's perfect plan towards God's perfect conclusions. A man of faith may have many admirable qualities, but an objective view of reality is not among them even by his own declaration, as faith requires the continuous application of the will to overcome the deficiency of observation and experience.

What's interesting is that Pessimism and Pessimist philosophers generally prefer to embrace the Problem of Evil rather than the more obvious nonexistence of maximal greater good. Schopenhauer for instance starts his studies on pessimism by refuting the Boethian doctrine on evil; where the Boethians teach that all evils must be a mere absence of virtue or lack of a fulfilling maximal good (and attribute this lack to man's free will, a greater good established by perfect divine ordinance), Schopenhauer says flatly that evil is obviously a presence, and more, is specifically that which presses, and if present makes its presence felt.

[–]  No.214711

There's something of a problem in modern lay philosophy. People know, quite clearly and quite adamantly, which philosophy was the 'good' one and which is the distasteful one. We can see this in the matter of 'Stoicism' and 'Hedonism.' There's not a modern critic of Hedonism alive today who has read Epicurus. Seneca and the Stoics respected him highly, recommended him to each other in their letters, but he's the 'bad' guy. In case you're wondering, the primary Stoic objection was that Epicurus said competition is normal, healthy and satisfying, which is the exact opposite of Stoic beliefs about morality. The Stoics believed that conflicts are not morally valid on any level, be they economic conflicts or physical contests, and that apparent conflicts only arise out of ignorance. That people do not have truly conflicting interests or needs and that the purpose of life is to trend towards oneness and harmony with the order of the universe. So today, obviously, when you see people engaged in highly competitive fields, harsh alpha male personas talking about building dominance by beating other guys out of their legitimate interests, you see them quotemining… Marcus Aurelius. The opium addict and stoic philosopher. Because he's not a Hedonist, who were the bad guys who said you should just pursue pleasure like athletic competition and weightlifting and and and.

Optimism is clearly the 'good' guy philosophy since it tells you good things about yourself and pessimism is clearly 'defeatist' since it tells you that life requires more out of you than there is inside of you, that you are mortal and that you will still die like a dog even if you fight like a dog all the way down. But the idea of having to actively rescue the good, that without action the good will not survive, that is the hallmark of French Pessimism (German Pessimism was more geared towards sophrosyne and acceptance, probably because the French at that point had a century of revolutionary and counterrevolutionary cycles, where it seemed better was possible, but always fragile). Things are defined by that which makes them different from other things; both optimism and pessimism believe in the existence of a good and a better and a bad and a worse, and both believe in observation of reality, but only pessimism believes that good is not the natural or normal state of reality, that it is delicate and requires care, observation, rescue and vigilance.

It's really quite harPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

[–]  No.214718

true evil is when you put two spaces after a period.
otherwise good post

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[–]  No.214361[Reply]>>214708[Watch Thread]

Do you know any, in real life, truly older NEETs and wizard? Like dudes in their 40s or 50s that spent most of their life as NEET virgins?
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[–]  No.214478>>214506

Theres some old wizardly type who goes to my local library. I think he might be homeless too, my dream is that we start being friends and he saves me from my toxic mother but not sure what to do

[–]  No.214506>>214529

that's concerning, spoke like a teen succubi just before being raped and killed. Homeless are damaged men, literally fit to survive exploiting any opportunity. Being alone and old in a surviving environment means danger. Be aware, wiz

[–]  No.214529

Nah i think he lives in some rv or something. If you saw him he is super wizardly.
Maybe im assuming hes homeless because he has the same jacket everyday

[–]  No.214671

since she’s not a human succ it makes more sense to interpret it as she being his 2d waifu

[–]  No.214708

>>214361 (OP)
no. closest thing are my autistic twin cousins who are now in their early 30s i believe. one tries to get out and be more sociable. the other is 100% based. Like he hasn't changed a bit since 2003. He's still going to toys r us for yu-gi-oh cards and shit. I admire that dedication.

[–]  No.214463[Reply]>>214669[Watch Thread]

You are walking through a garbage dump and you find a time machine, which allows you to send a message to your 10-year-old self.

-what would you say?
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[–]  No.214665>>214675

I didn’t think it was possible to answer this banal drivel of a question wrong but you’ve blown me away

[–]  No.214669

>>214463 (OP)
"You're not annoying. You're not a burden on the family. you like airplanes right? Chase it. Don't listen to the kids at school, you wont know them in ten years anyway. Focus on your work and learn to fly. You can fly much further than i ever did. Mom and dads issues aren't your burdens to bear so dont worry about it. Life is harsh when you get to my age, No one will care and you will have to learn how to handle life on your own so start now. It gets easier. I know right now you blame yourself for a lot but it really isn't your fault. Be cautious but learn to explore a little. Don't end up like me.

[–]  No.214672

Apply for bux earlier
Get away from family earlier

[–]  No.214675

How is it wrong anon? Thirdies like me didn't have easy access to exchanges

[–]  No.214689

hi! i am from the past!

[–]  No.214332[Reply]>>214662[Watch Thread]

I am now 30 years old. Still a virgin. Strangely, I don't really care about this point, I even stopped wishing for a girlfriend about 5 years ago. I'm completely satisfied with my situation.
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[–]  No.214413>>214416>>214436

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Go back to /pol/

[–]  No.214416

That's the guy with the delusion that every anti-Nazi is from Eastern Europe

[–]  No.214436

Nice try Shlomo.

[–]  No.214523

why does everything needs to be a conspiracy? the world is just chaos and war and suffering, it's very complex but it's simpler than crazy conspiracies.

[–]  No.214662

>>214332 (OP)
i reached that point about a year ago on my birthday. you get to a point where just start asking yourself "whats the point of stressing over something thats probably not gonna change anytime soon or ever?". At some point it your life you just stop caring and learn to enjoy the little shit you have like coming home to comfy bed and watching anime or some shit.

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[–]  No.214483[Reply][Watch Thread]

Why the Media focuses solely on objectifying succubi as the center of attention, Why having relationship something that is necessary for Society nowadays to be labelled as a person who's not a "failure", Have our principles in life been so lowered to just satisfying our instincts? Normalfags and niggers who wear the same fucking attires and have zero intellectual creativity are now praised as the "Normal" of the society meanwhile a person that lurks in 4chan or Wizchan unironically possesses more wisdom but sadly are doomed to being "failures" of society for not doing the same as "Chads".
Are we doomed?
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[–]  No.214565

People are most likely to spend money when in relationships than when not.

[–]  No.214566

Assume all behavioral traits are at least somewhat heritable. What do you think happens to those people who are less interested in sexual relationships? They reproduce less often and their genetic makeup occurs at a lower frequency in the next generation. Do you see how overwhelming interest in reproductive matters might be maintained in the population? Yay! Ronald Fischer would be proud,

[–]  No.214567>>214568>>214648

I don’t think succubi ever hated being able to have consequence free sex - both in terms of social status ie risk of being labeled a slut - and being free of pregnancy/resource acquisition issues due to abortion, contraception and welfare state to support the child if it’s actually brought to term. It’s just that they couldn’t get away with it I’m earlier, patriarchal, conservative times, when men would check female sexuality for the good of society. Now things are matriarchal, with leftism, decay, chaos and disintegration having taken hold to such an extent that succubi can have their cake and eat it too - fuck all they want and shame men into “manning up” and marrying them despite their lack of purity.

They don’t need to be taught this strategy, as it’s really just naked female self interest and unchecked power. If men ever stop simping and cucking, it will return to a more pro civilizational state, but given how pathetic and feminized modern men are, I wouldn’t count on it.

[–]  No.214568

zoomergirls are even more powerful than millennials

[–]  No.214648

Depends on who you ask, and when. succubi will sell themselves, but there are limits when they are forced to do so to have any job, and the boss demands they conform to worse and worse things. But, there are succubi who are either exempted from the worst of it, or who enjoy seeing other succubi suffer, or enjoy the power trip. The succubi who don't like it are run down by being made to comply with that, if not from the start than as time wears them down, their bodies start falling apart from being treated like that, and they are left with nothing and none of the "power" that the great game promises.

You don't find many succubi who are "principled and moral" in the sense you might presume is desirable - you should probably know patriarchy wasn't an ideal situation at any point, and the reality of relationships never conformed to this idea that men had untrammeled personal rights and privacy regarding any succubus. All of that was upheld by an obligation to the state and other men, usually powerful men, and so patriarchy also meant harems and orgies for the powerful, and men would be expected to uphold that. There was no promise that you were entitled to a succubus, and in practice you couldn't do literally whatever you wanted. For one, upholding the morals of those rich men was an obligation, and any man who refused or asked for leniency - say his wife was taken forcibly and couldn't realistically refuse - was punished by other men. This of course would be exploited both by powerful men and conniving succubi. In any society, the great orgy finds a way. That shit happened all over Greek and Roman society, where orgies were everywhere and taken for granted. And if you think something like Islam is better, hoo boy, you should see what that part of the world has been like up to recent times. Of course now it's a warzone in the middle of an imperial war / social engineering project to make it really really shitty, and that emboldened the Muslims to get their act together out of dire necessity, but they were the original Sodomites lol.

Sex always has consequences in the end. The game wouldn't be played if it didn't. More and more I see succubi just not taking part in it, or only doing what they're obligated to do. Nothing about that shitshow is actually worth doing. As much as possible, the people doing this want "pleasure" to be associated wiPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

[–]  No.212750[Reply]>>213291[Watch Thread]

Cursed be the day I was born!
May the day my mother bore me not be blessed!
Cursed be the man who brought my father the news,
who made him very glad, saying,
“A child is born to you—a son! ”
May that man be like the towns
the Lord overthrew without pity.
May he hear wailing in the morning,
a battle cry at noon.
For he did not kill me in the womb,
with my mother as my grave,
her womb enlarged forever.
Why did I ever come out of the womb
to see trouble and sorrow
and to end my days in shame?
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[–]  No.213291>>213362

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>>212750 (OP)

“I suffer from life and from other people. I can’t look at reality face to face. Even the sun discourages and depresses me. Only at night and all alone, withdrawn, forgotten and lost, with no connection to anything real or useful — only then do I find myself and feel comforted.”

“Man shouldn’t be able to see his own face. That’s what’s most terrible. Nature gave him the possibility of not seeing it, as well as the incapacity of not seeing his own eyes.”

“Talking to people makes me feel like sleeping. Only my ghostly and imaginary friends, only the conversations I have in my dreams, are genuinely real and substantial.”

“To love is to tire of being alone; it is therefore a cowardice, a betrayal of ourselves.”

All of the quotes are from Fernando Pessoa

[–]  No.213362

>To love is to tire of being alone; it is therefore a cowardice, a betrayal of ourselves
avoidant high iq wizpessoa shitting on love.

[–]  No.213410

>Holy Kino
Go back

[–]  No.213413>>214646

"All deviates and effeminate perverts among men have an adoration for womemn"

[–]  No.214646

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[–]  No.211629[Reply]>>214612[Watch Thread]

What, my friend, made you a wizard? Was it ugliness, mental issues, being ethnic or a combination?
The first day of being born I knew it was over
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[–]  No.214593

mad cuz ugli lol

[–]  No.214612

>>211629 (OP)
not everyone is necessarily against you. Most people don't really care but I think its true that most people are inherently selfish. I'm sorry for what you went through and I hope you find some warmth but does it even matter anymore?

[–]  No.214613>>214619>>214621

5 years of non-stop physical and mental bullying during my formative years at school where I was made out to be a pariah and had my few friends I'd known up to that point betray me. Nothing quite fucks you up like being drenched in water and then punched in the face in front of an entire classroom of your peers laughing at you and then having the teacher, a protective authority figure, fail to stifle a giggle and tell you to get out because you're disrupting her class. It finally made me realise that nobody will help you, nobody cares about you, the system only works for those who fit in, society is evil and you can't trust anybody because they will just hurt you in the end. All of them. I never recovered from those years and it made me avoidant and I've lived on the internet ever since. Except even this was taken from me post 2012 with the mass-influx of outsiders and the centralisation of the internet into just a handful of sites. Even on places like 4chan I no longer feel like I belong. My escapist hobbies in video games, anime and now even manga have been invaded. The feeling of belonging nowhere and a deep-rooted resentment of "normalfags" are core wizardly traits. As is being over 30. Never has this been more true.

[–]  No.214619

yeah very early 1st grade bullying set me for life. and i also had an indifferent and mean teacher.

like i stood up for myself and had a fistfight in the middle of class, and she told both of us not to say hi to her next year. which i did. and then she was like dont u remember me?

but tbh ive come to realize its more about my own bad personality than the bad luck of especially mean classmates. because even in new enviroments with new kids i quickly found myself at the bottom.

> . It finally made me realise that nobody will help you, nobody cares about you, the system only works for those who fit in, society is evil and you can't trust anybody because they will just hurt you in the end. All of them. I never recovered from those years and it made me avoidant and I've lived on the internet ever since.

I wish I had learned all those lessons by age 6. But instead I clung to an idealistic optimism that people are actually good, that I only began to shake off in the last 5 years, and still haven't entirely.

> Even on places like 4chan I no longer feel like I belong.

The nastiness of places like 4chad, makes me forget why I ran away from people in meatspace to begin with. Can't be any worse.

[–]  No.214621

i have a very similar story of events to yours
and now we're both here

my life was great after school for a while, but it was too late, the damage was already done and beginning to set in
picture a young me being relieved to get out of school and start anew, only to see that the world was exactly like school, and social behaviour doesn't change. you have people mostly around you that haven't moved beyond their school years.
i feel ground to a nub. people that think a lack of sex is their issue are fools. just wait until evil people break you

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