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First let's read this, at the end are my arguments and analysis:
"Mental illnesses" are simply non-conformity behaviours relating to social norms. These behaviours arise from negative experiences throughout life, i.e. actions resulting in prejudicial outcomes for the agent or subject of other's actions.
The mental "re-living" of these experiences one goes through by remembering in their minds these instances causes in turn these "problems of living" to the receptacle of such life experiences, leading to a loop of non-conformity.
External factors causes these "non-conforming" behaviours, because only in a social setting there can be such a thing as non-conformity. That's why "mental illness" is simply a social construct. If you were living alone in an island, there would be no such thing.
But when living in a social setting, patterns for acceptable and non-acceptable behaviour arises and those who do not fit are treated as to be excluded from the benefits of social living.
For instance, if you are ugly, short, bald, deformed, "shy" ("non-NT"), ethnic, you are not fitting the social pattern of acceptability, therefore you are excluded from the benefits of social living, or your participation in these social settings is lessened and not as beneficial as for those who conform, let's say the job market, dating market, familial relationships, friendships, etc.
This rejection causes these problems in living: you are not able to conform, and knowing the Black Pill, you know most of these factors for acceptance are out of your control, so realizing and re-living these past negative experiences makes a consciousness arise, that you are not able to conform either because the factors are outside of your control or because of missed opportunities (let's say you become too old to enter a carreer, or to have actual functional sex, which should be had by fertile men and women).
That is the whole reason shrinks (psychologists) are scammers. They are the same as poets or philosophers, they simply play a non-scientific game where they make conclusions based upon established social norms (which can and in fact do affect scientific methodology itself). If you remove the scientific veil of this profession, you will understand that shrinks can only "help" you realize things about yourself or about the exterior world.
If you are able to conform again, you are "cured", if you do not succeed (as most incels won't), you will still be considered "mentally ill".
THIS IS WHY ONLY PEOPLE THAT CAN SOMEHOW FIT THE SOCIAL STANDARD OF ACCEPTABILITY CAN BE "CURED" FROM THEIR "MENTAL ILLNESS". A foid, simply by having a wet stinky hole, can always be cured from her "mental illness" in this gynocentric world, because she will always be accepted in some degree. A good-looking man, even if he has past traumas and has abused drugs, can also be "cured" because he can always be able to conform as long as he realize what he has to do in order to conform, and his non-changeable features are already conforming to acceptable standards.
Psychiatrists are also scammers. Jewpills can't "cure" your "mental illness". They can only stimulate or supress your biological and innate immune system in some way, just like any other type of medicine will. They can only control the symptoms of your problems in living, they will deactivate your receptors and turn you into a robot devoid of the ability to face your sadness and trauma from bad experiences rationally, thus dumbing you down to your own suffering.
I myself am thinking of getting a prescription for some of these Jewpills, not because I believe they can "cure" me from my "mental issues", but because I know they can be able to "anesthetize" my mind from re-experiencing these past disappointments with such force and frequency, just like weed did for me (it lost effect over time though and I'm currently unable to get more from a dealer), or alcohol can do for some. It will warp my mind to a parallel world where I can live with myself only and not care about the social structure that denies my conformity in the first place. Why do I want to do this? Because I don't want to and am probably unable to conform.
If I wanted to be "cured", I'd have to go to a psychologist to brainwash me into thinking I can somehow conform by doing "x" or "y", but I know for a fact that's not the case. Everytime I tried to adopt a bluepilled/NPC belief, it gave me some false hope and sense of belonging, a sense that I could try again some other way and finally achieve conformity. But in the long run this will inevitably lead to more sorrow, because by exposing yourself again to these social experiences you will be again rejected and fail to conform if you do not have the features that fit the standard of conformity.
This is why the Redpill can actually be damaging to many many men, like it was to me. You set yourself for bigger disappointments by "working on yourself" and spending time, money and effort trying to reach things you were never able to achieve. The higher the mountain, the bigger the fall. Their copout for this reality? "Don't do it for women/others/status, do it for yourself".
"Mental illness" treatment can "work" for some people (as said, foids and good looking men, for instance) because by "adopting a positive mindset" they can expose themselves again to social settings and get their dopamine hits, validation and positive reinforcement, thus opening ground for them to conform again and live "healthy" and NPC lives.
I've been close to people (male and female) that supposedly suffered from "depression", "schizophrenia", "bipolar disorder" and other "mental illnesses", and I can say that based on my analysis, backed by mountains of proof, that they simply (for some reason or another) were going though bad times and were not achieving what they wanted to achieve, or simply had too high standards in their minds they needed to achieve (either socially enforced standards or standards they set to themselves based on false concepts of reality and what's achievable based on the hand you are delt - genetics, where you're born, in which family you're born, etc). As soon as some external factor gets better and they again have the possibility to conform and live up to social standards, they get "better" from their "illnesses" and can live pleasant and healthy lives as most NPCs do in their own ignorance.
Like every commodity there is, there is a market for it. "Mental illness" is not only a good market for medicine professionals and Jewpill companies, especially because the solutions can cause dependence in individuals consooming these "goods", but it is also a great weapon for the government, elites, etc (i.e. the ruling class, the winners of societal standards), it can be used for control, for them to feel better in comparison to you for not conforming, and most important: to shove all kinds of dangerous ideas that can go against their established order, the order of things that benefits them and exclude you.
You are not mentally ill, I am not mentally ill, we are simply outside of the conformity overton window.

Thomas Szasz - Wikipedia
[UWSL]Szasz's main arguments[/UWSL]
Szasz was convinced there was a metaphorical character to mental disorders, and its uses in psychiatry were frequently injurious. He set himself a task to delegitimize legitimating agencies and authorities, and what he saw as their vast powers, enforced by psychiatrists and other mental health professionals, mental health laws, mental health courts, and mental health sentences.[11][UWSL]: 22 [/UWSL]
Szasz was a critic of the influence of modern medicine on society, which he considered to be the secularization of religion's hold on humankind. Criticizing scientism, he targeted psychiatry in particular, underscoring its campaigns against masturbation at the end of the 19th century, its use of medical imagery and language to describe misbehavior, its reliance on involuntary mental hospitalization to protect society, and the use of lobotomy and other interventions to treat psychosis. To sum up his description of the political influence of medicine in modern societies imbued by faith in science, he declared:
Szasz consistently paid attention to the power of language in the establishment and maintenance of the social order, both in small interpersonal and in wider social, economic, and/or political spheres:Since theocracy is the rule of God or its priests, and democracy the rule of the people or of the majority, pharmacracy is therefore the rule of medicine or of doctors.[12][[UWSL]page needed[/UWSL]]
His main arguments can be summarized as follows:The struggle for definition is veritably the struggle for life itself. In the typical Western two men fight desperately for the possession of a gun that has been thrown to the ground: whoever reaches the weapon first shoots and lives; his adversary is shot and dies. In ordinary life, the struggle is not for guns but for words; whoever first defines the situation is the victor; his adversary, the victim. For example, in the family, husband and wife, mother and child do not get along; who defines whom as troublesome or mentally sick?... [the one] who first seizes the word imposes reality on the other; [the one] who defines thus dominates and lives; and [the one] who is defined is subjugated and may be killed.[13][UWSL]: 85 [/UWSL]
[UWSL]"Myth of mental illness"[/UWSL]
"Mental illness" is an expression, a metaphor that describes an offending, disturbing, shocking, or vexing conduct, action, or pattern of behavior, such as packaged under the wide-ranging term schizophrenia, as an "illness" or "disease". Szasz wrote: "If you talk to God, you are praying; If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia. If the dead talk to you, you are a spiritualist; If you talk to the dead, you are a schizophrenic."[13][UWSL]: 85 [/UWSL] He maintained that, while people behave and think in disturbing ways, and those ways may resemble a disease process (pain, deterioration, response to various interventions), this does not mean they actually have a disease. To Szasz, disease can only mean something people "have", while behavior is what people "do". Diseases are "malfunctions of the human body, of the heart, the liver, the kidney, the brain" while "no behavior or misbehavior is a disease or can be a disease. That's not what diseases are." Szasz cited drapetomania as an example of a behavior that many in society did not approve of, being labeled and widely cited as a disease. Likewise, women who did not bend to a man's will were said to have hysteria.[14] He thought that psychiatry actively obscures the difference between behavior and disease in its quest to help or harm parties in conflicts. He maintained that, by calling people diseased, psychiatry attempts to deny them responsibility as moral agents in order to better control them.
In Szasz's view, people who are said by themselves or others to have a mental illness can only have, at best, "problems in living". Diagnoses of "mental illness" or "mental disorder" (the latter expression called by Szasz a "weasel term" for mental illness) are passed off as "scientific categories" but they remain merely judgments (judgments of disdain) to support certain uses of power by psychiatric authorities. In that line of thinking, schizophrenia becomes not the name of a disease entity but a judgment of extreme psychiatric and social disapprobation. Szasz called schizophrenia "the sacred symbol of psychiatry" because those so labeled have long provided and continue to provide justification for psychiatric theories, treatments, abuses, and reforms.
The figure of the psychotic or schizophrenic person to psychiatric experts and authorities, according to Szasz, is analogous with the figure of the heretic or blasphemer to theological experts and authorities. According to Szasz, to understand the metaphorical nature of the term "disease" in psychiatry, one must first understand its literal meaning in the rest of medicine. To be a true disease, the entity must first somehow be capable of being approached, measured, or tested in scientific fashion. Second, to be confirmed as a disease, a condition must demonstrate pathology at the cellular or molecular level.
A genuine disease must also be found on the autopsy table (not merely in the living person) and meet pathological definition instead of being voted into existence by members of the American Psychiatric Association. "Mental illnesses" are really problems in living. They are often "like a" disease, argued Szasz, which makes the medical metaphor understandable, but in no way validates it as an accurate description or explanation. Psychiatry is a pseudoscience that parodies medicine by using medical-sounding words invented especially over the last one hundred years. To be clear, heart break and heart attack, or spring fever and typhoid fever belong to two completely different logical categories, and treating one as the other constitutes a category error. Psychiatrists are the successors of "soul doctors", priests who dealt and deal with the spiritual conundrums, dilemmas, and vexations – the "problems in living" – that have troubled people forever.
Psychiatry's main methods are assessment, medication, conversation or rhetoric and incarceration. To the extent that psychiatry presents these problems as "medical diseases", its methods as "medical treatments", and its clients – especially involuntary – as medically ill patients, it embodies a lie and therefore constitutes a fundamental threat to freedom and dignity. Psychiatry, supported by the state through various Mental Health Acts, has become a modern secular state religion according to Szasz. It is a vastly elaborate social control system, using both brute force and subtle indoctrination, which disguises itself under the claims of being rational, systematic and therefore scientific.
[UWSL]"Patient" as m[/UWSL][UWSL]alingerer[/UWSL]
According to Szasz, many people fake their presentation of mental illness, i.e., they are malingering. They do so for gain, for example, in order to escape a burden like evading the draft, or to gain access to drugs or financial support, or for some other personally meaningful reason. By definition, the malingerer is knowingly deceitful (although malingering itself has also been called a mental illness or disorder). Szasz mentions malingering in many of his works, but it is not what he has in mind to explain many other manifestations of so-called "mental illness". In those cases, so-called "patients" have something personally significant to communicate – their "problems in living" – but unable to express this via conventional means they resort to illness-imitation behaviour, a somatic protolanguage or "body language", which psychiatrists and psychologists have misguidedly interpreted as the signs/symptoms of real illness.[15] So, for example, "analyzing the origin of the hysterical protolanguage Szasz states that it has a double origin: – the first root is in the somatic structure of human being. The human body is subject to illnesses and disabilities expressed through somatic signs (like paralysis, convulsions, etc.) and somatic sensations (like pain, tiredness, etc.); – the second root can be found into cultural factors."[16]
"Mental illnesses" are simply non-conformity behaviours relating to social norms. These behaviours arise from negative experiences throughout life, i.e. actions resulting in prejudicial outcomes for the agent or subject of other's actions.
The mental "re-living" of these experiences one goes through by remembering in their minds these instances causes in turn these "problems of living" to the receptacle of such life experiences, leading to a loop of non-conformity.
External factors causes these "non-conforming" behaviours, because only in a social setting there can be such a thing as non-conformity. That's why "mental illness" is simply a social construct. If you were living alone in an island, there would be no such thing.
But when living in a social setting, patterns for acceptable and non-acceptable behaviour arises and those who do not fit are treated as to be excluded from the benefits of social living.
For instance, if you are ugly, short, bald, deformed, "shy" ("non-NT"), ethnic, you are not fitting the social pattern of acceptability, therefore you are excluded from the benefits of social living, or your participation in these social settings is lessened and not as beneficial as for those who conform, let's say the job market, dating market, familial relationships, friendships, etc.
This rejection causes these problems in living: you are not able to conform, and knowing the Black Pill, you know most of these factors for acceptance are out of your control, so realizing and re-living these past negative experiences makes a consciousness arise, that you are not able to conform either because the factors are outside of your control or because of missed opportunities (let's say you become too old to enter a carreer, or to have actual functional sex, which should be had by fertile men and women).
That is the whole reason shrinks (psychologists) are scammers. They are the same as poets or philosophers, they simply play a non-scientific game where they make conclusions based upon established social norms (which can and in fact do affect scientific methodology itself). If you remove the scientific veil of this profession, you will understand that shrinks can only "help" you realize things about yourself or about the exterior world.
If you are able to conform again, you are "cured", if you do not succeed (as most incels won't), you will still be considered "mentally ill".
THIS IS WHY ONLY PEOPLE THAT CAN SOMEHOW FIT THE SOCIAL STANDARD OF ACCEPTABILITY CAN BE "CURED" FROM THEIR "MENTAL ILLNESS". A foid, simply by having a wet stinky hole, can always be cured from her "mental illness" in this gynocentric world, because she will always be accepted in some degree. A good-looking man, even if he has past traumas and has abused drugs, can also be "cured" because he can always be able to conform as long as he realize what he has to do in order to conform, and his non-changeable features are already conforming to acceptable standards.
Psychiatrists are also scammers. Jewpills can't "cure" your "mental illness". They can only stimulate or supress your biological and innate immune system in some way, just like any other type of medicine will. They can only control the symptoms of your problems in living, they will deactivate your receptors and turn you into a robot devoid of the ability to face your sadness and trauma from bad experiences rationally, thus dumbing you down to your own suffering.
I myself am thinking of getting a prescription for some of these Jewpills, not because I believe they can "cure" me from my "mental issues", but because I know they can be able to "anesthetize" my mind from re-experiencing these past disappointments with such force and frequency, just like weed did for me (it lost effect over time though and I'm currently unable to get more from a dealer), or alcohol can do for some. It will warp my mind to a parallel world where I can live with myself only and not care about the social structure that denies my conformity in the first place. Why do I want to do this? Because I don't want to and am probably unable to conform.
If I wanted to be "cured", I'd have to go to a psychologist to brainwash me into thinking I can somehow conform by doing "x" or "y", but I know for a fact that's not the case. Everytime I tried to adopt a bluepilled/NPC belief, it gave me some false hope and sense of belonging, a sense that I could try again some other way and finally achieve conformity. But in the long run this will inevitably lead to more sorrow, because by exposing yourself again to these social experiences you will be again rejected and fail to conform if you do not have the features that fit the standard of conformity.
This is why the Redpill can actually be damaging to many many men, like it was to me. You set yourself for bigger disappointments by "working on yourself" and spending time, money and effort trying to reach things you were never able to achieve. The higher the mountain, the bigger the fall. Their copout for this reality? "Don't do it for women/others/status, do it for yourself".
"Mental illness" treatment can "work" for some people (as said, foids and good looking men, for instance) because by "adopting a positive mindset" they can expose themselves again to social settings and get their dopamine hits, validation and positive reinforcement, thus opening ground for them to conform again and live "healthy" and NPC lives.
I've been close to people (male and female) that supposedly suffered from "depression", "schizophrenia", "bipolar disorder" and other "mental illnesses", and I can say that based on my analysis, backed by mountains of proof, that they simply (for some reason or another) were going though bad times and were not achieving what they wanted to achieve, or simply had too high standards in their minds they needed to achieve (either socially enforced standards or standards they set to themselves based on false concepts of reality and what's achievable based on the hand you are delt - genetics, where you're born, in which family you're born, etc). As soon as some external factor gets better and they again have the possibility to conform and live up to social standards, they get "better" from their "illnesses" and can live pleasant and healthy lives as most NPCs do in their own ignorance.
Like every commodity there is, there is a market for it. "Mental illness" is not only a good market for medicine professionals and Jewpill companies, especially because the solutions can cause dependence in individuals consooming these "goods", but it is also a great weapon for the government, elites, etc (i.e. the ruling class, the winners of societal standards), it can be used for control, for them to feel better in comparison to you for not conforming, and most important: to shove all kinds of dangerous ideas that can go against their established order, the order of things that benefits them and exclude you.
You are not mentally ill, I am not mentally ill, we are simply outside of the conformity overton window.