- 5/12 On your RSS reader now.
- 4/12 This has to be a good idea...
- 3/12 Lyrical Tokarev is now under martial rule!
- 5/11 Added a Navigation section.
- 3/11 Did you see that shadow?
- 3/11 Added a first fun project.
- 4/11 Added peertube instance.
- 2/11 Primera revisión de sección dedicada al Argentum abierta al público.
- 0/11 The Doomsayer Shouts Doomfall
- 2/10 Halloween Edition (truest fear has been known)
- 6/10 真 Neo Lyrical Tokarev is born.
- 4/8 Lyrical Tokarev dies.
- ???/12 Lyrical Tokarev is born.
- 7/4 Speed Grapher airs for the first time on Asahi TV
- 19/12 鬼畜王ランス (Kichikuou Rance) released for Windows 98 operating systems.
- ??? Skateboards start being manufactured by companies.
- 30/4 Adolf Hitler presumed dead.
- 1/9 German Invasion of Poland. WW2 starts.
- 20/8 Howard Phillips Lovecraft dies in Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.
- 2/8 Hindenburg dies. Hitler merges the posts of chancellor and president, becoming the Führer of Germany.
- 24/3 Hitler passes the Enabling Act.
- 27/2 The Reichstag is set on fire.
- 30/1 Hitler becomes chancellor.
- 4/10 The New York Stock Market begins to crash, Great Depression.
- 18/7 Mein Kampf is published.
- 20/12 Hitler is released from jail.
- 11/9 Adolf Hitler gets arrested and charged with treason.
- 8-9/9 Failed coup d'état by the NSDAP (Beer Hall Putsch). Adolf Hitler escapes inmediate arrest.
- 12/9 Adolf Hitler joins the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (later NSDAP), supposedly having been sent to spy on it by the military.
- 23/3 Benito Mussolini forms the Partito Nazionale Fascista.
- 11/11 World War I ends with Germany signing an armistice.
- ???/12 Hitler is awarded with the Iron Cross, Second Class.
- ???/8 Adolf Hitler joins the German Military.
- 20/8 Howard Phillips Lovecraft is born in Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.
- 20/4 Adolf Hitler is born in Braunau am Inn, Austro-Hungarian Empire.
- 14/7 Storming of the Bastille, French Revolution.
4 BC
- (Widely accepted date) Jesus Christ is born in Bethlehem, south of Jerusalem.
27 BC
- Formation of the Roman Empire, beginning of the Pax Romana.
63 BC
- Siege of Jerusalem, Judea conquerred by Rome.
384 BC
- Aristotle is born in Stagira, Chalcidian League (now northen Greece)
399 BC
- Trial of Socrates
427 BC
- Plato is born in Athens, Greece.
470 BC
- Socrates is born in Alopece, Athens, Greece.
551 BC
- Confucius is born
563 BC
- Siddharta Gautama is born in Lumbini, Shakya Republic (today part of India and Nepal)
753 BC
- Founding of Rome
2600 BC
- Oldest known surviving literature: Sumerian texts from Abu Salabikh, including the Instructions of Shuruppak and the Kesh temple hymn.
刻(とき)が未来にすすむと 誰がきめたんだ
烙印をけす命が 歴史をかきなおす
美しい剣は 人と人つなげて
巡りくる切なさ 悲しみを払って
あなたとの間に 命ある形を
この星に捧げる 愛というしるしで